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Diamond Arrow Award Speech

Programme Director, the Chairperson of Council – Adv. Xuma, the Deputy Chairperson of Council , Adv. Tsoeunyane Pela, members of Council in attendance, Executive and Broad Management members, SETA representatives, our Bankers, Business and Industry, Staff, SRC, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Bible says in Psalm 116:2:  What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me.  This is the day that the Lord has made. 

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Motheo today is ranked among the best from ashes to riches.   Receiving a Diamond Award signifies being the 1st overall Award  and rated 4.10 out of 5

This award Mr Hattingh, ignites hope and propels us to move forward.  You’ve ignited the potential that exists in each and every member of staff at the College who is positive about success at their College.

In my thanksgiving praises, I would like to that God the Almighty.  In James 1:17, the Bible says:  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

2015 is drawing to its close.  This is the year that has been filled with trials and tribulations but above all blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.  No human counsel has devised nor any mortal land worked out these great things.  These gracious gifts of the most High God were predetermined and its is therefore fit and proper that we should revertently and gratefully acknowledge Him with one heart and one voice as the Motheo TVET College community,

Throughout this year, we witnessed more achievements:  The 20% increase in our certification rate, the International Accreditation by BANK SETA and AAT(SA)

We are proud to say Motheo can now offer a degree course in Accounting Technicians.

We were further blessed with International Partnerships with UK Colleges, that gave birth to our state of the Art Restaurant which will be officially launched soon.

How could we forget our flagship project, the Artisan Development Academy, a project which would never be realised without the support of the SSETA, CETA Mangaung Metro, and Kgato Consortium.

As a community we really want to thank Jesus for the extraordinary opportunities and limitless possibilities He created for us.

I want to pay tribute to our College Council for their consistent support to the College, who always sacrifice their time and families to be with us.

I further want to honour the Management of this College, which stood together as one family, no matter what.

I also want to thank our Marketing and Communication Department, who put us on the map and made us to be counted amongst the best by marketing our College with all the passion.

I will be failing in my duty if I don’t thank our Lecturers, Senior Lecturerss, HOD’s, our lovely support staff and most importantly our Students.  To all our Partners, thank you for your unfailing Love and Support to our INSTITUTION.  TOGETHER WE MADE IT.

In closing, a big thanks to my family and Mme Mokometsi who is my Executive at Home.  My lovely husband and children who suffer when I’m down who deserve better and best moments with me.

I thank you !!!



A Speech Delivered At The WIFI Launch At Motheo TVET College

Programme Director, Government representatives present here today, the Chairperson of Council Advocate Xuma, Mr. Moorosi Seboka from Ntosamo/Mobin, CEO of FDC Mr. Ikraam Osman, the CFO- Mr. Shepherd Moyo, Divisional Executive(Operations)- Ms Grace Shaba, the Divisional Executive(Support services)- Mr. David Nkaiseng, the Consultant- Mr. Gladwin Marumo and Ms. Naledi Makhalemele, members of Executive and Broad Management, Partners our College like Interstate Bus liner, Navobyte- who provided infrastructure installation at all our sites- we are grateful indeed, the SRC, staff, the multi-award winning choir and students.

The gap that currently exists between technology and effective teaching and learning strategies continues to widen (Lawless & Pellegrino, 2007). The integration of technology and proven pedagogy often suffers at the expense of each other. Yet, many studies conclude that faculty members continue to find ways to use technology that benefit both their fields of study and improving student learning.

As newer technologies become increasingly more popular, a desire to incorporate them as learning tools will begin to mount in the name of good “instructional technology” practices. As a result, the selection and integration of these technologies into the college classroom can take many forms and directly impact the effectiveness of student instruction. Also, like most other aspects of education, technology is susceptible to a variety of complementary factors that influence its level of success such as adult learning principles, curricular limitations, pedagogical strategies, as well as personal, institutional and societal barriers. Identifying how faculty members are using technology in the classroom may prove to be invaluable in developing a catalog of current practices and new opportunities for integration that can span fields of study, as well as enhance new ways of learning.

The college therefore saw a need to ensure access with success by venturing into Internet connectivity, not only in computer Labs but even around the college grounds thus the installation of the Free Wi-Fi.
Data is expensive and students cannot afford to buy it, thus the college management and council deemed it fit to create an electronic platform to surf the net, do research and produce knowledge and also to create collegilaity through social media free of charge for both staff and students, whilst generating funding.

This initiative will not only be there for individuals but further promotes the implementation of e-Learning currently taking place at the college. We have introduced e-Learning at the college to support teaching and Learning and also to advance and integrate technology and education. The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is encouraged at the college and between classes student can do assessments online, check what lecturers posted on YouTube or blackboard.

Today’s college student, otherwise known as a millennial, is comprised of a series of characteristics that are the result of the times they grew up, and the experiences they have had (Strauss & Howe, 2007).
A Millennial expects the world to be re-writable, and dynamic in not only how they access information…but also how they create it!  They are collaborative, team-oriented, and have highly structured personalities that coincide with the characteristics described in adult learning theory (Knowles, 1980).

Programme Director, today’s event marks one among many of the college achievements attained during 2014/2015. On the 12 October 2015, the College received a Diamond Arrow Award from PMR, which is an independent company researching on best practices across sector and awarding excellence. Motheo TVET College therefore was identified as the best Educational Institution among other institutions in the Free State Province. This was a step higher to the Golden Arrow Award that we received in 2014 from the same organization. What characterizes us as the best is our curriculum that is responsive to the needs of the labour market, the good corporative governance and our contribution to the economy of this Province.

We are in the process of building an Artisan Development Academy. The site hand over was done on the 01 October 2015, the site office was erected on the .. October and earthworks will now commence. The anticipated completion date is March 2017.
We have attained an International accreditation to offer NQF levels 2-5 for the Accounting Technician qualification. The College can now offer a Bachelors degree but we have a need to funding for students enrolling for this programme.

We are honoured indeed to have partners like FDC and the FS Government as our key strategic partners in ensuring broadband connectivity across sectors, Motheo TVET College in particular. We also want to thank FDC in advance for funding installation of optic fibre across our 06 campuses. This will ensure high speed connectivity and improve on efficiency and effectiveness at the college. Currently the college uses 100mg and this initiatives increases us to 1gig. In addition, we aould like to appreciate the proactive approach of Navobyte in installing infrastructure across all of our campuses to realize this dream of a Free Wi-Fi for the college community.

How could we forget to acknowledge Ntosamo/Mobin for brining to the college a means to increase on our capital through electronic means. Our partnership with them started in May but the actual implementation of then project started in September 2015.
May our partnership grow from strength to strength.
God Bless!!!!




Speech by Principal at NCV Prize Giving Ceremony

04 September, Bloemfontein Campus.
Master of Ceremonies, The Executive Management, the Campus Management present her, the NCV Faculty HOD and Staff, remarkable NCV Students who are award recipients today, Ladies and Gentlemen.
A prize giving ceremony is all about acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of the people involved, after all a prize giving is a celebration of achievement attained.

I’m standing here today, a proud Principal, for having been invited to acknowledge the contribution of students, Lecturers, Parents, the College Management and of course government towards the remarkable achievement attained at this campus today.
One really feels confident that award winners have been a group of dedicated, devoted, goal orientated people, whose education and welfare was their mark object.
I therefore want to express my gratefulness in being part of the winning combination of dedicated and hardworking Lecturers, students and disciplined parents.
I believe this should represent the spirit and culture of our College moving forward.

The Prize winners here today, are a true representation of everything that we stand for at Motheo TVET College. These hardworking, articulate young people are an inspiration to us all. Attainment of a pass rate of 80% and above, attest to the high level of commitment by staff and students towards effective teaching and learning.
In a book by Maya Angelou named : “I know why a caged bird sings”, I found this beautiful piece of words which i would like to share with you today and they are as follows:

1. The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a down-bright lawn and he names the sky his own.

2. But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams. His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream – his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.

3. The caged bird sings with a fearfull thrill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom.

Choose which bird you want to be CONGRATULATIONS!!




Speech by Principal at Annual Award Ceremony

August 2014

Programme Director
Executive Management
Broad Management
SRC 2014 Members
Staff of Motheo TVET College

All our newly resisted student – you are our guest of honor today. Thank you for choosing Motheo TVET College as the training institution toward building you future.
To build this special future, to be able to make a difference one day in the future of our beautiful country to reach you goals, you will certainly need different elements.

The foundation of this future building of yours will be the value of life you already know as a young adult. Some of these value are discipline to study, the discipline to awake up early to be on time in class to complete every, even the smallest assignment with pride and to the best of your abilities. To know that if you don’t work hard from day 1, the last day and final examination will be a nightmare you will never forget.

Be example to your fellow students – next to you, in front of you and behind you. Help him or her through this important phase of life.
Here at college we treat you as adults, thus we expect you to behave as adults. Greet the staff, respect them, behave in class and every day will be lots of fun and full of knowledge. Be sincere Motheo TVET college students, be proud of it, stand out in the crowd and make that difference.
Use the brick of opportunities we offer you and build your future as high as possible. Keep healthy and participate in different sporting code such as soccer, netball, volleyball, and chess- be part of the wining Motheo TVET College team – bring those therapies home. Enhance you culture skills with art and Drama; sign in harmony with our well known and winning Motheo TVET college choir. Discuss problems you may experience with  SRC member you will soon Elect, keep communication open, at home , her at the college and remember even at work one day.

Open the window of your future open them wide to invite the fresh air of knowledge you will gain in each academic session, each group discussion and in even through your research for an assignment will lead to your years or semester mark that will allow you to write the examination.
Seal your future with the a waterproof roof with tiles or sink full of honesty , pride trust, integrity and  no storm will be able to damage it, no matter  how strong it is. Let the of our logo shine on you and let you grow to become a responsible citizen of South Africa.
In order to realize our vision of 80% pass rate, the following are a must do at the college

  • 80% class attendance. Failure to attend classes will result into failure to sit for trail exams at the end of a trimester, a semester or at the end of the year.
  • Student must write all tests, and do all assignment task (e.g. assignment, project, etc) given, failure to do such will result into no marks submitted to DHEDT for continuous assessment and ultimately failure to pass the course/ level


  • All students are expected to arrive on time in classes at all times.


  • All students should keep portfolio of evidence on all tasks performed during assessment.

Including the following Anonymous saying: “the road to success is lined with many tempting parking spaces”
Please do not park even one minute in those tempting  parking spaces, do not even think of it,  those tempting  space can mislead you ,give you problems and sleepless night remember- work only towards one goal, one mission- your future let 2014 be a very special year in your life. Make success of it – you have only one chance. Unseat.
God bless!!



Speech By Principal At CD Recording Session Of The Motheo TVET College Choir

If music be the food, of love play on. These were the words expressed by duke Orsino in Shakespeare Twelfth night (1602), as he was frustrated in his courtship of Countess Olivia. He believed that excess of music might cure his obsession with love.
Music plays a very important part in our daily living across racial groups, nation and the world. it is there to express various feeling and emotion. We sing when happy, sad or celebrating special moment in our lives. Music makes our heart more to love and therefore nourishes like food nourishes body
Let me take this opportunity to sing along with the Motheo TVET college choir, in their melodic song to the nation. As former chorister, one embraces every moment they share with us through the various piece of music
In 2015, the following activities will take place:

  • Active participation of the choir in provincial, nation and international competition and choir festivals.
  • Active involvement in community outreach project through music
  • Capacity development of choristers through music workshop and seminars
  • May this choir grow from strength to strength and see many years to come.


The Principal's Congratulatory Message To GraduantsTo:

  • Honourable Council members present here today
  • The Executive Management of the college
  • Extended Management members
  • Principals of Sister Colleges
  • Deputy Principals and Senior Managers from sister colleges
  • SETA CEO’s/ Regional Managers from various SETA’s
  • The Chief Directorate: AET and TVET Colleges staff
  • The Provincial Secretary of the African National Congress, Mr. Bulwane
  • Officials from various political organisations
  • Representatives of Business and Industry
  • Our Bankers (Standard Bank, ABSA, FNB)
  • Various Dignitaries
  • The SRC
  • Students, Parents, and Lovely Graduates

It was a year ago when I was appointed the Principal of Motheo TVET College. I really thank the Almighty for having me realize His greatness in my life, allowing me to see the brightness of another day. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


I know that the Principal’s Address stands between you and the many accolades you will be receive this morning, but I must remind audience that there are four obligations of a Principal at Graduation: firstly, to deliver a public report to the College community which outlines the year's activities and achievements – and I will aim to be mercifully brief in this regard. Secondly, this address acts as a platform to thank a number of people who have been crucial in bringing our students to this gateway. And, it is almost mandated that I exploit the prerogative to share a short closing lesson with our Class of 2013 – and provide some sage advice from my deep and vast wisdom. And the final obligation is one I undertake with a mixture of emotions – to farewell our graduates.

At a macro‐organisational level this year Motheo TVET College moved squarely into the implementation phase of a sweeping Strategic Plan. The prefacing words in the Strategic Plan say it all really: ‘Eynesbury cannot rest simply or complacently on its reputation as a class leader. It must respond to the changing world in which it operates to remain resilient, contemporary and relevant’. 23 strategies are in place to move us into a contemporary framework for learning, including re‐positioning the College t

Strategic And Corporate Support Services
Information Technology
There was a target for two hundred and forty-five replacement computers at Satellites, Thaba ‘Nchu Campus and Bloemfontein Campus.  A total of two hundred and fifteen computers were procured.
The VPN (Line rental) Internet, Firewall  -   The numerical target was six.  There is connectivity to all Campuses including Satellites;  They are now able to access the Coltech system as well as other internet services.  IT are currently in the process of increasing Bandwidth to main campuses from 2 meg to between 4 & 6 megs.   There is increase usage of MIS by all Campuses.  Telkom’s firewall activated to prevent malicious and harmful sites, viruses etc.,
Complete utilization of electronic attendance system at campuses’s numerical target was also six.  Programming for pilot project was written.  Data is to be collected to finalise the process and the pilot will run for the last trimester.  Students swipe their student cards on the machine for attendance and the student’s face will be shown on the screen, so they cannot swipe for anyone else.
The migration server conversations numerical target is five.  New servers were installed and upgraded from Server 2003 to 2008. New server is dedicated for mail scanning and VPN (remote connection) that will be installed at Central Office early September 2014.   The new high spec UPS with integrated services has already been installed.  (Ability to boot servers and controlled remotely).  Balancing between UPS & back-up generator has been carried out in the event of a power failure.  The domain name – motheotvet.co.za has been secured.

  • Communication
    • Printed and Social Media

The feedback statistics  of Social Media show that 22 369 534 visitors wanted to know more about the college.  39 107 student enquiries and chats were answered via   Facebook   

The unit is utilising the Printed and Audio media   where  38 articles, 36 photos and 70 advertisements were placed

 274 spots were booked for broadcasting our message.  Various interviews were done with the Principal.

1.2  Branding
Branding was done at all campuses and when the renovation project of Zastron Satellite building is completed, all satellites will be covered.


Page Two


    • Publications

Two editions of the  official college newsletter “Centre Link”  and the student newsletter “Moithuthi”  were distributed .
An Organisational Assessment report 2011 – 2013 was compiled and used by the Council Management.

    • Customer Service

Four sets of Research questionnaires were sent out to registered students. 

  •  Marketing

2.1   Schools and Exhibitions

The marketing message of the programmes  and services of Motheo TVET college was spread to 85 schools  and 30 exhibitions visitors throughout the Motheo and Xhariep area.  A total of 33 779 learners received first hand information. 
2.2  Events
As part of the Community Outreached project planning of 2014  the unit organised a special Mandela Day Event  held  at Boikucho Old Age Home in Botshabelo .
97 blankets were donated to the elderly occupants. 
The unit assist with the following projects:

  • Placement Launches held at Virginia and Sasolburg.
  • Student Parliament in Welkom
  • COSSA athletics in Durban
  • “Run Away” project Hair Dressing at CUT
  • Staff Wellness Fun walk
  • Maths for All project of the Department of Education and Communication
  • Staff Well Done function City Hall
  • TVET Month celebrations:  SRC conference, Curriculum Conference, Women’s Day, Mandela Day, Artisan Conference,  TVET launch, Cultural and Sports activities


Page Three


2.3  Project Xhariep

As Xhariep is part of the service delivery area of Motheo TVET College and the feeding source of the Satellites in Koffiefontein and Zastron .

The  following towns were  identified for this project:  Van Stadensrus, Wepener, Zastron, Bethulie, Smithfield, Reddersburg,  Rouxville, Alliwal North, Sterkspruit, Jacobsdal  and Koffiefontein.

  •  Membership
  • Free State Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Due to the migration to Dept Higher Education, the college is proud members of MACE (Marketing, Advancement and Communication in Education)


Human Resource


The 2014 target for recruitment advertised posts percentage is 100% and the progress for end of July 2014 reached is 70%.   The monthly output to end July 2014 is 70% of the process has been completed.  The entire process could not be finalised due to work pressure.  Overtime was worked in order to finalise the process of long lists for vacancy applications.


Evaluation of qualifications numerical target was 100% and the full 100% was reached end July 2014.  All qualifications that were received were paid.
Appointment of substitutes numerical target was 100% and the full target of 100% was reached.  All appointments were completed within July 2014.




Condition of Service



The 2014 target for benefits for College Council employees is 100% and the progress for end July 2014 reached is 100% for housing, 40% for the retirement and 41% medical aid.


  • Labour Relations trainings
    • Labour Relations at workplace – 45 Staff component comprising of Campus managers, Assistant campus managers, HOD’S and Head office managers were trained.

Training and Development

50 Assessors and 15 Moderators were trained in July. 48 of the 50 lecturers to be sent who did Assessor training submitted their POEs and they all passed. Certificates are ready to be send to the College.


Negotiations have been in place to register staff for PGCE at CUT and UNISA. 41 staff members showed interest and their qualifications were sent to the institutions for assessment.


Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

27 lectures have been placed in the industries for WIL by the University of the Free State. 15 of them are sponsored by ETDP SETA and 12 by the College. They have been divided into two groups: Management and Engineering for convenience. 3 sessions of 1 week each have  been arranged  for each group. The first group will start in early September.

ETDP SETA is funding 2 Mangers for the management programmes; they have both registered with the University of the Free State. 5 lecturers are funded for B Ed Honours and 3 for Masters Degrees in Education. All are registered with either the University of the Free State or Central University of Technology.

ETDP SETA is also funding 15 Motheo TVET interns and 2 more Guidance and Counselling interns who will be placed in Zastron and Koffiefontein. The latter will also be registered with UNISA for further studies in Guidance and Counselling. They will all be starting on 01 September 2014.

Employee Wellness

* Employees enjoyed walking to Naval Hill and back

Women's Day
*  Went on well at Hillside View Campus

Student Support Services

The strategic objectives are to increase the number of students entering the labour market upon completion.

The target was to increase workplace opportunities for experiential training (to obtain fifty host employers).   We managed to find sixty host employers.

The target for the number of students placed in workplaces for experiential training post qualification was one hundred and ten.  To date four hundred and forty seven students have been placed, due to the availability of funding from SETAS.

The number of students placed for workplace exposure target totalled eighty.   To date, forty‑one students have been placed.


Acadamic Affairs

The following  achievements registered during 2013/2014 are worth mentioning:

Bloemfontein Campus


Hill Side View


Thaba Nchu Campus

13 (9 were re trained)

Botshabelo Satellite





Conferences     Attended

  • 2nd North South ICT Conference 2013
  • South Africa FET Colleges Conference 2014 and the College made presentation at both conferences


Lecture Laptop Initiative

      • 23 Laptops were Acquired

          Equipment for Teaching and learning

      • 50 Data Projectors were Acquired 
      • 20 Interactive white Boards
      • 7 Document readers

Both NCV and NATED programmes have been loaded on Coltech

Math’s Literature L2 students wrote a test on line at Bloemfontein Campus SSS Centre.

The Successful Implementation Of Certified Accounting Technician In Partnership With Bank Seta in Thaba Nchu Campus (25 Students) And Bloemfontein Campus (25 Students)

Teaching And Learning

Implemented A Mechanism To Monitor And Report On

      • For second semester registration was done in line with DHET

exam time table to Minimize clashes ( No more registration of
Subject that are to be written on the same date and time)

      • The message was cascaded through the college to say

students must finish the lower level
before registering for the higher level ( To improve
certification rate )
Early procurement of text books for NCV L2 – L4,
Engineering Report 191 N1 – N6 and
Business Report 191 N4 – N6
Acquisition of teaching and learning assistive device

      • Subject Committees for worst performing subjects had been

 established and  operating


      • Subject year plans for NCV level 2 to level 4

 were developed for 2015

    • Capacity building on academic policies during the NCV

 workshop held at Gariep Dam
- Admission Policy
-Assessment and Moderation Policy
-Examination Policy and Procedures
The staff was trained on how to set question papers

  • Registration Verification campaign was done at :

     Bloemfontein campus
Thaba Nchu campus
Hillside view campus
Botshabelo satellite campus

  • Training of registration staff before each registration
  • Implementation of student cards printing  at all campuses
  •  Regular upgrades of Coltech system
  • Training of FETMIS staff on Coltech (4 staff members) :-

Topic covered
Student system supervisor training
NQF system training
Dashboard system training

Fleet and Security

  •  Security company appointed for a period of 2 years
  •  Security at Central Office was improved by installing cameras and access

Control Systems

  • Transfer of Assets from Phillipolis ( Former satellite) to Zastron
  • Stocktaking done accordingly for the whole college
  • Barcode all the new purchases for 2014 up to date

Supply Chain

  •  Supplier Data base advertised has been updated accordingly
  •  In the process of reviewing contracts
  •  Procured assistive teaching and learning devices for students with   


  •  Early procurement of learning material ( textbooks )


  • Internal Auditors appointed 
  • External auditors appointed
  • Fourie Fouche Accountants appointed to compile financial statements

Infrastructure Developments At The College

Renovations At Botshabelo Satellite ( To fit the
purpose )

      • Better access control (gates for cars and students)
      • Paving of large areas at Botshabelo Satellite
      • Painting of all three blocks at Botshabelo Satellite
      • Renovations to admin blocks and the hall Botshabelo Satellite
      • Upgrading of both staff and student ablution facilities
      • Acquisition of a building for Zastron satellite
      • Acquisition of land next to the Free State University South Campus for the establishment of an Artisan Academy
  • Upgrading of the central office ( Executive wing & the old principal’s office, 4     

   offices and store rooms)
Renovation of the Central Office and procurement of furniture for the reception area

  • Installation of bulk filer ( Registry for Finance and HR )
  •  Maintenance on campuses
  •  Painting the buildings ( Bloemfontein campus)
  •  Installed air conditioners and blinds ( Hillsideview campus)
  •  Upgrading of Ablution facilities ( Bloemfontein and Thaba Nchu campuses 

     and also Koffiefontein satellite

  •    Development of multi functional courts ( Thaba Nchu campus)
  •    Upgrading of the admin block ( Hillsideview and Botshabelo)

Learnerships And Skills Programmes

The College takes pride in the Agriculture programmes taking place at the college plot. Animal Production Learnership at NQF Level 4 introduced, where 20 learners participate. The college acquired high production of chicks and pigs at the plot and this proved to be a viable income generating project.


In an attempt to increase the number of skilled youthby expanding access to education and training through provision of Learnerships and Skills Programmes. An annual  target of 881 learners participating in these programmes was set and 479 learners are currently participating to date.

Furthermore, the college aspired towards increasing the number of students successfully entering the labour market upon completion of training. The annual target set in this case is 325 and to date 251 learners are in place.

The following partnerships established with Business and Industry are worth mentioning :

  • for provision of Water and waste water process controller learnerships, the college entered into a partnership agreement with Energy and Water SETA, the private providers – Khula Nonke and Aurecon as well as all Municipalities in the Free State, where 230 learners are involved.
  • Automotive Repair & Maintenance; Automotive Body Repair & Spray Painting Learnerships in partnership with the Department of the Premier
  • Establishment of a practicum room in partnership with Wholesale and Retail SETA
  • Work Integrated Learning for NCV Level 4 and N6 Financial Management students in collaboration with BANK SETA 




Speech by Principal at Decade of the Artisan Launch

30 January 2015

It is a profound honour for me to address this milestone launch of the Free State leg of the Decade of the Artisan. The input that I am going to make today in this important occasion will try to give you a detailed outline of what our Department is currently implementing as a contribution to skills development and consequently job creation.

The establishment of a dedicated department in 2009 by the President was to focus on Higher Education and Training as well as to address some of the challenges relating to skills shortages and the lack of synergy between the skills we produce at our post-school institutions and the labour market.

Our government has spent billions of rands in education, training and skills development in its quest to deal with the over 3 million young people who are neither employed nor undergoing any formal education or training. We believe that skilling our labour force will play a role in fighting unemployment directly by providing skilled people to a skills-starved economy, but also indirectly by providing a stimulus to economic growth and the development of new and existing industries and economic sectors.

We are also aware that this is a ticking time-bomb that such a big number of young and energetic population of our society is out of school and out of jobs. Yet we continue to import a lot of skills.

These are amongst the reasons that our government took an informed decision to make education, job creation and decent work its number one priority for the current period and in this regard we would like to highlight the fact that education and training are a critical component of achieving growth and development of the various priority economic sectors. The New Growth Path outlines clearly to this priority and reflects on how important the role of education and training is.

Programme Director,

Our Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) are now in contact with the overwhelming number of employers in the country and we have invested sufficient resources for them to facilitate partnerships between training institutions and employers. It is rather concerning that we have about 5 000 University of Technology students and just below 20 000 FET college students who cannot complete their studies and graduate because they do not have the workplace learning component required to do so. SETAs are therefore compelled to expedite their efforts to forge these linkages.

As part of addressing the above challenges, as government, we signed a Skills Accord together with labour, business and community constituencies at NEDLAC and through this Accord we want to turn every workplace into a training space.

Our department has also developed a National Skills Development Strategy III which gives clear direction as to what is expected of the SETAs in the new post school system and in generally strengthening skills development in South Africa.

I need to indicate that in our country there is this wrong notion that post school education only means university education. This is not the case and we are trying very hard to dispel this notion and in our quest to promote the FET college sector, we are hoping that young people will find them as equally attractive.

Programme Director,

We see the TVET college sector as a viable option for young people because it is our strong belief that the courses offered at our Vocational Education and Training Centres are appropriate to build the critical skills base that our economy needs and this in turn will make them eligible for employment.

The skills courses offered by our TVET Colleges like artisanal, technicians and other trades are what our economy needs and to this end, we are (unfortunately) not producing enough of them because of the stigma attached to TVET colleges.

This happens within a context of a very serious shortage of mid-level personnel and expanding this must be our high priority as people with these skills are able to fill many of the jobs necessary to expand the economy and achieve their own sustainable livelihoods.

Our government has taken a lead by increasing learnerships intakes at all levels of government and we expect that state-owned enterprises and especially you as employers will do the same. Priority should be given to TVET students and students from the universities of technology.

We are working hard to foster alignment between the SETAs, the public FET colleges, the universities of technology, labour and employers for this purpose and it is precisely what you are doing here today that is getting us closer to our solutions.

Programme Director,

Let me also mention that we are putting systems in place to ensure that the output from TVET colleges is not for the sake of producing graduates and hence we are progressively influencing the modification of the curriculum in order to proactively respond to the needs of the labour market.

I am sure that with your help in opening up your doors to learners to do experiential training in your companies, we can easily reach our targets in the specified time frame, which is 30 000 artisans per annum by 2030. In particular I would like to urge all the employers in this province to work closely with the TVET Colleges to produce artisans. Each Employer should in fact consider the TVET College to be its own training centre that is paid for by the State. Of course you can then help your own training centre with contributions of equipment and tools, as well allowing your qualified staff to spend time at the college to interact with young people.

We are now in full swing of the Decade of the Artisan which I launched in February last year. The Year of the Artisan programme in 2013 was so successful that I then decided to extend the programme over the next ten years to continue building the emphasis. The revised programme focuses on employers opening up workplaces for more artisan learners, particularly apprenticeships. To achieve such a significant growth not only needs considerable investment and commitment by all artisan development role players with a special focus on workplaces in South Africa, but will also require sustained, committed and high profile political leadership. The lack of artisans in our country could have a devastating impact on our economy because artisans play a crucial role in the delivery of services, especially in engineering trades. At present, the average age of artisans is 55 years old and this means that within the decade, artisanship will become a really scarce skill. If we do not have enough artisans to meet the demands of business, business will definitely go elsewhere.

Let me mention some of the key milestone achievements since embarking on this artisan project:

I launched the annual Open Week for TVET Colleges (1st week of August) where colleges are encouraged to open up their doors and invite learners and schools to come and see what they have to offer. Subsequent to this, we declared August as the TVET month and directed colleges to conduct the following during this month: free assessments, regional skills competitions in preparation for future participation in the international World Skills Competitions, conduct college campus tours for ordinary young people who are out of school and invite employers to the engineering college campuses for tours and discussions.

I also launched the World Skills Competitions South Africa after having visited the Americas regional competition in Brazil in 2012 and the world skills global competitions in Germany in 2013. After lengthy discussions between myself and the President of World Skills International Mr Simon Bartley, we decided to be part of this progressive initiative which seeks to harness our energies towards the promotion of artisanship.

¨ South Africa has been a member of World Skills International (WSI) since 1990 but this important national project remained in private hands for so long that its impact was never felt by your ordinary South African youth. Founded in 1950, World Skills is a global organization that promotes vocational, technological and service oriented education and training. They promote skilled careers in 72 countries and regions, all working with youth, educators, governments and industries to help prepare the workforce and nurture talent of our young people. World Skills brings youth, industries, and educators together to give youth the chance to compete, experience, and learn how to become the best in their skill of choice. This from the traditional trades to multi-skilled technology careers in the industry and service sectors, supported by partners, industries, governments, volunteers and education institutions. World Skills is making a direct impact in raising the level of skills throughout the world.

¨ Membership now spans the Americas, much of North and South-East Asia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is worth noting also that the member countries of BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South-Africa), and IBSA (India-Brazil-South-Africa (IBSA)) are all affiliates of WSI, committed to the common goal of growth with sustainability.

¨ WSI provides an excellent networking platform for member agencies or bodies, which have national or regional responsibility, to promote vocational education and excellence in their respective countries. Through the use of cutting edge web and software technologies, it is able to provide its members with access to current developments on skills standards, competition events and specialist discussion forums and it promotes artisanship as a career of choice.

¨ Within the South African context participation in the World Skills competition holds huge potential to influence the development and employability of the South African Youth. In addition to this it acts as an effective vehicle to increasing awareness of apprenticeships and artisanal skills, raising of course the standard of vocational education and training and artisanal skills.

¨ Subsequent to the launch, the Department: Higher Education and Training set in motion a process to establish and operationalise a formal governance structure for World Skills South Africa.

¨ Regional competitions were held at TVET Colleges during November 2014 and the winners of these competitions are currently participating in the internationally aligned National competition in Cape Town which I opened last night. Winners will be sponsored and coached to represent South Africa at the international “skills Olympics” competition in Brazil in 2015. Again, we call on you be our supporters and partners in this great initiative. We cannot do this alone as government and I challenge you as employers to play your part in the skills revolution of our country by thinking less about the maximization of profits at the expense of absorption of our students and young people who urgently need workplace exposure.

Let me conclude by saying: there is no doubt that the artisan training space has now moved away from a period of great uncertainty to one of certainty and clarity. This must therefore pave a way for the pace of delivery of qualified artisans into the South African economy to increase.

I would like to urge you all to play an active role in the skills revolution of our country and ensure that we turn all workplaces into training spaces.